
Work Package-5

Work Package 5: Dissemination and Communication Plan / Exploitation and Sustainability


Work Package 5 (WP5) focuses on maximizing the social impact, dissemination, and sustainability of the project’s outputs. It ensures that the training materials, guidebooks, and digital tools developed in previous work packages (WP2, WP3, WP4) are effectively shared, promoted, and maintained beyond the project’s duration.

Main Goals:

  • Engage key target audiences (students, journalists, media workers, press organizations, academics).
  • Promote Erasmus+ values and cooperation in higher education.
  • Support European Disaster Risk Management through trained communicators.
  • Develop clear, effective communication strategies for dissemination.
  • Ensure the long-term sustainability of project results.

Main Results:

  1. Common Transnational Project Communication, Dissemination, and Visibility Plan – A strategic document outlining the communication and dissemination process.
  2. Project Website and Social Media Accounts – A dedicated online presence for project updates, visibility, and engagement.
  3. Project Branding and Visual Identity – A cohesive project brand with logos, colors, and standardized designs.
  4. Dissemination Events:
    • 4 National Info Days – To promote project outcomes.
    • 3 National Multiplier Events – To engage key stakeholders.
    • 1 Final Conference – To showcase results and impact.
    • Press Articles & Scientific Publications – To contribute to academic literature.
  5. Sustainability Plan – A roadmap for keeping project results relevant and up-to-date.

Indicators to Measure Success:

  • Quantitative Indicators:

    • 2,000+ visits to the project’s website.
    • 1,000+ followers on social media.
    • 10,000+ total social media reach via project and partner channels.
    • 80 participants at info days.
    • 50 participants at national multiplier events.
    • 100 participants at the final conference.
  • Qualitative Indicators:

    • Feedback from social media followers.
    • Engagement from info days and dissemination events.
    • Evaluation from final conference attendees.


  1. Communication, Dissemination, and Visibility Plan 

  2. Project Website and Social Media Accounts 

  3. Social Media Campaign 

  4. Project Visual Identity Kit 

  5. Dissemination Events

  6. Sustainability Plan 


  • KMM’s in-house designers and software developers reduce website and branding costs.
  • UVIGO’s telecommunications department contributes expertise in digital content development.
  • SU and RTÜK’s academic facilities eliminate costs for info days and final conferences.
  • Digital-first strategy reduces printing costs, ensuring open-access dissemination.
  • Existing digital competencies within the consortium minimize event costs.