Work Package 3: Developing Disaster Journalism Guidebooks for Journalists
The goal of Work Package 3 (WP3) is to develop three guidebooks to help journalists and media professionals improve their ability to report ethically, practically, and safely during disasters. These resources aim to ensure that journalists deliver accurate, reliable, and effective communication to society while protecting their safety and adhering to ethical standards.
Main Results:
- Disaster Journalism Ethical Guidebook – Provides ethical standards for reporting during disasters.
- Disaster Journalism Practical Guidebook – Offers practical guidance on how to report disasters effectively.
- Disaster Journalism Safety Guidebook – Focuses on ensuring journalists’ safety while reporting disasters.
- Learning, Teaching, and Training Activity (LTTA) – 150 participants (50 international, 100 national) trained in disaster journalism.
Indicators to Measure Success:
Quantitative Indicators:
- 100 downloads for each guidebook.
- Each partner sends at least 15 copies of each guidebook to institutions.
- 150 participants trained in LTTA.
Qualitative Indicators:
- Feedback from those who download and use the guidebooks.
- Feedback from media and journalism institutions.
- Feedback from LTTA participants.
Production of Disaster Journalism Ethical Guidebook
Production of Disaster Journalism Practical Guidebook
Production of Disaster Journalism Safety Guidebook
Learning Training Teaching Activity (LTTA)
- 50 international and 100 national participants trained.